Ngoc Hoi Road

Ngoc Hoi road, Thanh Tri district, Hanoi, Vietnam.
It’s 5km long, actually it’s a section of National Route 1A, connect to Giai Phong road at Phap Van junction, passing Hoang Liet commune, Van Dien town, until Ngoc Hoi bridge. This new name was given in August, 2005.

In the end of XVIII century, the army of Manchu Qing invaded Vietnam. They built strongholds including Ngoc Hoi in order to stop the Tay Son army. But Emperor Quang Trung launched a surprise attack against the Manchu Qing forces while they were celebrating the Lunar New Year festival of the year 1789. Most of enemy soldiers were unprepared, so were disastrously defeated by the Tay Son army in Ngoc Hoi and Dong Da.

Ngoc Hoi Road, Thanh Tri District, Hanoi
Ngoc Hoi Road, Thanh Tri District, Hanoi