The distance from the capital Hanoi to Mai Chau - Hoa Binh has total travel time of 3hs for cars and 4hs for motorcycles.

To go to Mai Chau from Hanoi, you can choose the 2 following routes:
The first route of about 140km: You go along Nguyen Trai, Quang Trung, Ba La, Chuc Son, Xuan Mai, Luong Son, Ki Son, Hoa Binh, Cao Phong, Tan Lac, Thung Khe Pass. When you pass Thung Khe Pass you will see signposts to Mai Chau, 6km along the road 15.
Mai Chau Valley Retreat
The second route is about 10 km longer: You take the Thang Long Highway, when you reach the intersection with Hoa Lac Xuan Mai 15km, make a turn left then turn right to go to Luong Son, and then proceed your journey.

Tips: If you go by car, it is suggested that you head to My Dinh or Yen Nghia bus station to catch the bus to Hoa Binh. If you drive motorcycle, you need to prepare a powerful one as you have to conquer a number of steeps.