The distance between Hanoi and Hai Phong ranges from 100 to123 km depend on which route you travel.
With this distance, it will take you about 2,5 to 3 hours if you go by motorbike. If you travel by other means of transport, it will take you about 2 hours 15 minutes to 2 hours 30 minutes.

Route: Start of journey from the inner Hanoi, you have to go towards Highway No. 5. Your journey will pass through the provinces of Hung Yen and Hai Duong.
Attractions: Hai Phong city, also known the city of flamboyant flower, is the second largest city in the north of Vietnam, and is one of five cities under central authority.
In Hai Phong city, you can visit the city or other tourist attractions such as Do Son or Cat Ba.
Tips: Before leaving, you should specify the means of transport as well as carefully prepare the roadmap by viewing the map if you go by motorcycle.