Dong Xuan street, Dong Xuan ward, Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi, Vietnam
The street is 170m long, starts from cross road of Hang Giay district – Hang Khoai district, connects to Hang Duong street at the cross road of Hang Ma street & Hang Chieu street, cut passing the gate of Dong Xuan market.
Dong Xuan market is the biggest market in the Hanoi capital. It was built in 1890 including 5 market bridges by the French. In order to expand the city, the French joined 2 markets of Bach Ma market (Hang Buom street), Cau Dong (Eastern Bridge) market (Hang Duong street). During the American war, within 60 days and night of resistance national-wide opening, the Dong Xuan market is a braved commanding position. There were 19 soldiers combated till the end and sacrificed so this place was known as a resistance vestige.