The distance from Hanoi to Nam Dinh province, specifically Nam Dinh city is about 86km in length. The total transferring time is about 1 and a haft hour for cars and 2 hours for motorcycles.
To go from Hanoi to Nam Dinh city, you can choose the following routes:
If you go by cars, you can go on the highway bridging Thanh Tri bridge to Phap Van - Cau Gie and the drive ahead. After driving about 30km you will have to choose one of two paths which are Highway No.1 and Ninh Binh Highway. If traveling along Highway No.1, it will not take charge, but this road is quite bumpy. If you choose the second option, it will cost you VND 30,000, but your travel time will be shorten significantly.
If you travel along Highway No.1, then run straight through the old Phu Ly train station, Phu Ly City to Ho Chi Minh crossroad, the turn left and go straight to Nam Dinh city.
If you take the route Cau Gie Ninh Binh, run straight through the Liem Tuyen intersection, then turn right along Liem Tuyen Dong Van or completely run through this intersection. When you reach the second intersection, turn right and head into the city center.

Attractions: Nam Dinh is a home of many attractions including temples, pagodas and natural landscapes. These top-visited places include Thinh Long Beach, Xuan Thuy National Park, Pho Minh Pagoda, Tran Temple, Co Le Pagoda…
Normally, if you select a bus to travel from Hanoi to Nam Dinh city, you can catch a bus at Giap Bat bus station or along the road.